Converting HTML to SVG Images without Fonts using JavaScript
Image by Brieanna -

Converting HTML to SVG Images without Fonts using JavaScript

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Are you tired of struggling to convert HTML elements to SVG images while preserving the exact visual representation? Do you want to export HTML content to SVG format without fonts getting in the way? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the magical world of HTML-to-Image conversion using JavaScript, focusing on the nuances of fontless SVG exports.

What is HTML-to-Image Conversion?

HTML-to-Image conversion is the process of transforming HTML content into a visual representation, typically in the form of an image file. This technique is useful for various purposes, such as:

  • Generating thumbnails for web pages or blog posts
  • Creating social media share images with custom HTML content
  • Producing graphics for presentations or reports
  • Generating badges or icons with dynamic text

The Challenge of Fonts in HTML-to-Image Conversion

One of the most significant hurdles in HTML-to-Image conversion is dealing with fonts. Fonts can be a major roadblock, especially when working with dynamic content or custom typography. The main issues with fonts in HTML-to-Image conversion are:

  • Font availability: Ensuring the required fonts are installed on the server or client-side environment
  • Font rendering: Guaranteeing consistent font rendering across different browsers and devices
  • Font licensing: Complying with font licensing regulations and restrictions

Exporting HTML to SVG without Fonts using JavaScript

Now, let’s dive into the meat of the matter – exporting HTML to SVG images without fonts using JavaScript. We’ll use the popular html-to-image library to achieve this feat.

Step 1: Installing the Required Libraries

Start by installing the required libraries using npm or yarn:

npm install html-to-image

Step 2: Preparing the HTML Content

Create an HTML element that contains the content you want to convert to an SVG image. For demonstration purposes, let’s use a simple HTML structure:

<div id="htmlContent">
  <h1>Hello World!</h1>
  <p>This is a sample paragraph.</p>

Step 3: Converting HTML to SVG without Fonts

Now, use the html-to-image library to convert the HTML content to an SVG image without fonts:

import htmlToImage from 'html-to-image';

const htmlContent = document.getElementById('htmlContent');

htmlToImage.toSvg(htmlContent, {
  fontInclusion: false, // Set fontInclusion to false to exclude fonts
  width: 600, // Set the desired image width
  height: 400, // Set the desired image height
.then((svg) => {
  const svgBlob = new Blob([svg], { type: 'image/svg+xml' });
  const url = URL.createObjectURL(svgBlob);
  const a = document.createElement('a');
  a.href = url; = 'image.svg';;
.catch((err) => {

In the above code, we set fontInclusion to false to exclude fonts from the SVG export. This ensures that the resulting SVG image will not contain any font information.

Step 4: Handling Fonts in SVG Export

Since we’ve excluded fonts from the SVG export, we need to handle font styling in a different way. One approach is to use CSS styles to define font properties:

  #htmlContent {
    font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
    font-size: 18px;
    font-weight: bold;

In this example, we define font styling using CSS, which will be applied to the HTML content before conversion to SVG. This ensures that the resulting SVG image will maintain the desired font appearance.

Optimizing SVG Images for Web Use

Once you’ve exported the HTML content to an SVG image, it’s essential to optimize the image for web use. Here are some tips to help you optimize your SVG images:

  1. Simplify paths and shapes: Use tools like SVGO or SVGOMG to simplify SVG paths and shapes, reducing file size and improving rendering performance.
  2. Compress SVG files: Use Gzip or Brotli compression to reduce the file size of your SVG images.
  3. Use web-friendly fonts: Ensure that the fonts used in your HTML content are web-friendly and widely supported.
  4. Optimize image dimensions: Use the correct image dimensions and aspect ratios to prevent scaling issues.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve demonstrated how to export HTML content to an SVG image without fonts using JavaScript. By following these steps and optimizing your SVG images for web use, you can unlock the full potential of HTML-to-Image conversion. Remember to handle font styling using CSS and optimize your SVG images for better performance and compatibility.

Library Description
html-to-image A JavaScript library for converting HTML elements to images.
SVGO A tool for optimizing and compressing SVG files.
SVGOMG A tool for optimizing and compressing SVG files.

By leveraging the power of HTML-to-Image conversion and optimizing your SVG images, you can create visually stunning graphics and enhance your web development workflow.

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “html-to-image: exports html to SVG image without font (JavaScript)” in the requested format:

Frequently Asked Question

Got questions about html-to-image? We’ve got answers!

What is html-to-image and how does it work?

Html-to-image is a JavaScript library that allows you to export HTML elements to SVG images without relying on external libraries or fonts. It works by using a virtual DOM to render the HTML element as an SVG image, which can then be saved as a file or used in your application.

Why would I want to export HTML to SVG without fonts?

Exporting HTML to SVG without fonts is useful when you need to ensure that the image is displayed consistently across different devices and browsers, without relying on the user’s system fonts. This is particularly important for logos, icons, and other graphics that require precise rendering.

Does html-to-image support complex HTML layouts?

Yes, html-to-image supports complex HTML layouts, including tables, flexbox, grid, and more. It can handle most modern HTML and CSS layouts, making it a versatile tool for a wide range of use cases.

Can I customize the output of html-to-image?

Yes, you can customize the output of html-to-image by passing options to the library, such as the output format (SVG, PNG, JPEG, etc.), image width and height, and more. You can also use CSS to style the output image.

Is html-to-image compatible with all browsers?

Html-to-image is compatible with most modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. It also supports Node.js environments, making it suitable for server-side rendering and headless browsers.

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