Can’t Get OneNote Data Using Graph API from Microsoft? Here’s the Fix!
Image by Brieanna -

Can’t Get OneNote Data Using Graph API from Microsoft? Here’s the Fix!

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Are you tired of banging your head against the wall trying to fetch OneNote data using the Microsoft Graph API? You’re not alone! Many developers have struggled to get this crucial data, only to end up with frustrating errors and empty responses. But fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got the solution right here. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to successfully retrieve OneNote data using the Microsoft Graph API.

Understanding OneNote Data and the Microsoft Graph API

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly understand what OneNote data is and how the Microsoft Graph API works.

OneNote is a popular note-taking app from Microsoft that allows users to create, edit, and organize notes. These notes can contain text, images, audio, and video, making it a rich source of data for developers.

The Microsoft Graph API, on the other hand, is a RESTful API that provides access to Microsoft services, including Office 365, Azure Active Directory, and more. It allows developers to fetch data from these services, including OneNote.

Why Can’t I Get OneNote Data Using the Graph API?

So, why do developers struggle to fetch OneNote data using the Graph API? The reasons are numerous, but some common culprits include:

  • Incorrect permissions and authentication
  • Invalid API endpoints and request syntax
  • Missing required headers and query parameters
  • Rate limiting and throttling issues

In this article, we’ll tackle each of these issues and provide clear, step-by-step instructions to overcome them.

Setting Up the Environment and Authentication

Before we start making API calls, let’s set up the environment and authentication.

Register an Azure AD Application

To use the Microsoft Graph API, you need to register an Azure AD application. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Azure portal ( and sign in with your Azure AD credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Azure Active Directory section and click on “App registrations.”
  3. Click on “New application” and enter a name for your application.
  4. Select “Web” as the platform and provide a redirect URI.
  5. Click on “Register” to create the application.

Configure Permissions and Authentication

Next, we need to configure the necessary permissions and authentication for our application.

In the Azure portal, navigate to the “App registrations” section and select your application. Click on “API permissions” and then “Add a permission.”

Search for “Microsoft Graph” and select the “Delegated permissions” option. Add the following permissions:

  • Notes.Read
  • Notes.Read.All
  • Notes.ReadWrite
  • Notes.ReadWrite.All

Click on “Add permission” to save the changes.

To authenticate, you can use the client ID and client secret from the Azure portal. You can also use the SDKs provided by Microsoft, such as the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL).

Making API Calls to Fetch OneNote Data

Now that we’ve set up the environment and authentication, let’s make the API calls to fetch OneNote data.

Fetcging OneNote Notebooks

To fetch OneNote notebooks, use the following API endpoint:


This endpoint returns a list of notebooks for the signed-in user. You can also specify a notebook ID to fetch a specific notebook:


Fetcging OneNote Sections

To fetch OneNote sections, use the following API endpoint:


This endpoint returns a list of sections for the signed-in user. You can also specify a section ID to fetch a specific section:


Fetcging OneNote Pages

To fetch OneNote pages, use the following API endpoint:


This endpoint returns a list of pages for the signed-in user. You can also specify a page ID to fetch a specific page:


Handling Errors and Rate Limiting

When making API calls to fetch OneNote data, it’s essential to handle errors and rate limiting.

HTTP Error Codes

The Microsoft Graph API returns standard HTTP error codes for errors. Here are some common error codes:

Error Code Description
401 Unauthorized. Check your authentication and permissions.
403 Forbidden. Check your permissions and access rights.
404 Not Found. Check the API endpoint and resource ID.
429 Too Many Requests. Rate limiting has been exceeded.
500 Internal Server Error. Try again later or contact Microsoft support.

Rate Limiting and Throttling

The Microsoft Graph API has rate limits to prevent abuse and ensure performance. Here are some rate limits to keep in mind:

  • 10 requests per second per user
  • 100 requests per minute per user
  • 1000 requests per hour per user

If you exceed these rate limits, you’ll receive a 429 error code. To avoid this, implement retry logic with exponential backoff or use a caching mechanism.


Fetching OneNote data using the Microsoft Graph API can be challenging, but with the right permissions, authentication, and API calls, you can unlock a treasure trove of valuable data. Remember to handle errors and rate limiting to ensure a smooth experience for your users. Happy coding!

Did this article help you overcome the hurdles of fetching OneNote data using the Graph API? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Stay tuned for more articles on Microsoft Graph API and Office 365 development. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest updates and tutorials.

Happy coding, and don’t forget to share this article with your fellow developers who struggle with OneNote data!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble accessing OneNote data using the Graph API from Microsoft? You’re not alone! Here are some answers to common questions that might help you crack the code.

Why can’t I get OneNote data using the Graph API?

Check your permissions! Make sure you have the necessary permissions to access OneNote data. You need the `Notes.Read` or `Notes.Read.All` permission to retrieve OneNote data using the Graph API.

I have the correct permissions, but I still can’t access OneNote data. What’s going on?

Double-check your API endpoint! Ensure you’re using the correct API endpoint to access OneNote data. The correct endpoint is `` or `{userId}/onenote/notes`.

Can I use the Graph API to access OneNote data from a specific notebook or section?

Yes, you can! You can specify the notebook or section ID in the API endpoint to retrieve data from a specific notebook or section. For example, `{notebookId}/notes` or `{sectionId}/notes`.

What is the maximum number of OneNote notes I can retrieve using the Graph API?

The Graph API has a limit of 100 notes per request. If you need to retrieve more notes, you’ll need to use pagination and make multiple requests.

Is there a way to retrieve deleted OneNote notes using the Graph API?

Unfortunately, no. The Graph API does not support retrieving deleted OneNote notes. Once a note is deleted, it’s gone for good!

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